Aung San Suu Kyi From Prison
And a Letter to a Dictator
by Alan Clements and Fergus Harlow
Burma’s Voices of Freedom and our latest book, Aung San Suu Kyi from Prison, have
been forwarded to German and Argentinian Courts by a notable diplomat. We are
honoured to report that they are under judicial review as documents pertinent to
establishing “international jurisdiction” over crimes against humanity committed
against the Rohingya by the Burmese military.
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A Chronology of Key Events: Rakhine State Crisis, Myanmar
“This book is a beacon in the dark. By illuminating in vivid detail the catastrophe unfolding in Burma and the world’s indifference to it, Alan Clements and Fergus Harlow shine a harsh but compassionate light on the crisis of humanity at the beginning of the twenty-first century. For anyone who cares about the plight of Burma and the fate of our global village, this book will shock you, upset you, and challenge you to do whatever is in your power to imagine and realize another way of being together in this fragile, vulnerable and suffering world.”
~ Stephen Batchelor, authorof After Buddhism:
Rethinking the Dharma for a Secular Age.
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Brings Revolutionary Magic to Maui’s Iao Theater Jan 28, 2023
Performance will blend spirituality, radical self-honesty, humor & wise
insight into the “inseparable nature of our freedom”
“We have faith in the power to change what needs to be changed but we are under no illusion that the transition. from dictatorship to liberal democracy will be easy, or that democratic government will mean the end of all our problems. We know that our greatest challenges lie ahead of us and that our struggle to establish a stable, democratic society, will continue beyond our own life span. But we know that we are not alone. The cause of liberty and justice finds. sympathetic responses around the world. Thinking and feeling people everywhere, regardless of color or creed, understand the deeply rooted human need for a meaningful existence that goes beyond the mere gratification of material desires. Those fortunate enough to live in societies where they are entitled to full political rights can reach out to help their less fortunate brethren in other areas of our troubled planet.”
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
Song for Aung San Suu Kyi by Ejna Fleury —
Ceremonial Leader, spiritual activist & spiritual counsellor
For my Sister & Guiding Light ~
Aung San Suu Kyi by Ejna Fleury
Let us bow down.
Let us bow down to the Earth.
For our Star of Hope & Freedom
For Burma and the people of Earth
Aung San Suu Kyi
Dare to look, dare to see.
Dare to hear this great one’s story.
The journey of all our lives
Burma’s servitude is our own.
Whilst even one is still in chains
Our lives cannot be Free!
Let our hearts be pierced.
As pain seeks surcease in healing,
release, alleviation, soothing & Prayer
Boldly, let us embrace Burma & Suu Kyi!
That hers and our suffering could at last end with our greatest Freedom Song!
Our Souls sing in Beauty.
Love, Adoration, Joy
Resplendent to free ourselves,
One another and Suu Kyi!
On and on over clouds & sea
Unfurling invitation, elation,
Beauty, Celebration
Tears’ Sweetness
Not of Salt, but of Joy!
Not retribution but DANCE!
“Beloved Aung San Suu Kyi may you continue to be so honored, so beloved, so treasured,
that the prison that holds you melts in the fires of our love. May those in the highest power in Myanmar.
simply learn to cry. May they cry tears of recognition & great grief! May they cry and cry and cry,
so, they can become clean! And Forgiveness blossom love.”
Ejna Fleury Miniconjou, Oglala, Hunkpapa, & Ihanktonwan of Great Sioux Nation.
French and Northern European Ancestry
Ceremonial Leader, spiritual activist & spiritual counsellor
Founder Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee: global wide ceremonies with pledge to end war and massacre.
Founder Sacred Earth Council: Hosting a 4-year ceremonial cycle
to heal multi-generational trauma within all of humankind.
Parliament of World Religions 2015: Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee, Recognizing Multi-generational Trauma
RN, BS Nursing, MA Counseling Psychology
Meditation and Consciousness Facilitator