Announcing the worldwide release
of the feature documentary film
Life Story and Rebel Wisdom of Alan Clements
watch the trailer and to stream or buy
(share with newsletters, groups, bloggers, podcasters, reviewers)
Video interview for the film, Spiritually Incorrect, by Charlotte Donachie
and her co-host for their British Comedy Podcast in the UK 11.21.2020
“I watched [Spiritually Incorrect] last night —it is astoundingly beautiful,
moving, visceral, deeply touching, a light when all others have gone out.“
(Thumbs up!) Sara UK – “Gratitude is when memory is stored
in the heart and not in the mind.” – Lionel Hampton
“Blend a former Buddhist monk with Noam Chomsky, Lenny Bruce, and a
hyper-spiritual Terrence McKenna and you get a sense of Alan Clements …”
Jon Woodhouse, Entertainment writer, The Maui News
Alan Clements offers “a scorching comedic romp through the world of
spiritual and political indoctrination and the commodification of mind
states.” Paul W. Morris, former managing editor of Tricycle: The Buddhist
Review and an editor at the Utne award-winning website
Killing the Buddha, (Alan’s show reviewed in) Yoga Journal.
Media interviews, Podcasts, Reviews,
Innovative Ways to Share
and Present the Film
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